Würth Innovation Center
OBERMEYER realises the Innovation Center for Würth Group Headquarter in Künzelsau, the building shell was completed. This is an over 70 million Euro project and will provide about 15,750 m2 of state-of-the-art laboratories and workshops for internal research and development.
Not only what will be developed in the new research building is innovative. The polygonal and expressive form of the building designed by OBERMEEYER is also innovative. Chemical laboratories and the electronics laboratory as well as the central workshop will be located on the ground floor of the main building. A foyer covered by a triangular steel and glass roof serves as the central development element of the public and non-public areas. Multifunctional office areas and an IoT laboratory will be created on the two upper floors, and a two-storey laboratory as well as other test stands, laboratories and storage will be built in the adjoining building.
OBERMEYER's design is based on the principle of spatial folding of the required functions and envisages two complementary structures. The buildings are connected by bridges directly linking tot he public area oft he Innovation Center. The two buildings are in dialogue with each other and formulate an attractive square situation to the adjacent street. Generous seating and stairwells, which have been adapted to the dynamic topographical situation, offer lounge areas for employees and visitors.
In addition to the innovation center, OBERMEYER has also been commissioned to provide a masterplan for future development.